Thursday, September 01, 2011


I am seriously enjoying this sailing season and am going to try posting to my blog a little more frequently than just once or twice per year.  Let me start by posting a follow-up to my infamous 2008 sailing goal.  This past Saturday night, I met my goal.  (blush.)  It was three years later than planned, but it was soooooo worth the wait.  Magical.


Tillerman said...

Congratualations. Hope it was worth waiting for.

Hope you don't mind but I thought this was such a significant achievement within the sailing world that I let the readers of my blog know about it too.

John in PDX said...

Congrats. Hope you don't throw him overboard if he screws up on a tack.

O Docker said...

Hope it was a prince and not a frog - not that there's anything wrong with that.

Tillerman said...

I hear that French people are quite good kissers.

bonnie said...


bonnie said...

ps - are you sure it was the exact center of the lake?

Christy ~ Central Air said...

Thanks, sailors! T-Man, you're the bomb.

John, nah... and I'll even make sure he 'ducks' during the gybes.

OD, definitely the former.

TM, people who sail French boats are too.

Bonnie, odds are that *at least* one of them was at the very center of the lake. (blush)

bonnie said...

:D !!!