Sailing anytime with Capt'n Scott Shivertimber = happiness and joy!
Tacking a boat when there is a nice breeze blowing = happiness and joy!
Staring intently at the telltales and adjusting the sails for over an hour amid many distractions (Hello, short attention span!) -- including random thoughts, the overwhelming urge to sing various songs from the 80s, and the cute boy at the helm = quite a challenge!
In order to turn a challenge into an opportunity (ugh - I hate when I speak 'ExecuSpeak')... I've come up with the following list of helpful ideas I will depend upon during my next race:
- Remember to trim for the outside telltale, then the inside. Continuously, if necessary.
- Remember to FOCUS on the task at hand! Pay no attention to nearby shiny objects, birds flying overhead, whether my do-rag looks sufficiently jaunty, scary bugs, scary spiders, scary jibsheets touching my leg and making me think that a bug is on me, or the like. I will focus on the Genoa and the Skipper's instructions.
- Imagine and pursue the sweet taste of victory... and the sweet, tasty beverages that follow the race.
Regarding #3.... Why wait till the race is over!?!?!?
Yup. Those shiny objects always distract me too. lol
#4 Pursue the tasty cute boy at the helm!
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