Actually, the best sailing story I've ever heard -- as told by someone very dear to me -- involved a Hobie-16, Pamlico Sound in NC, 25 knots of wind, and an island picnic. And one of the most accomplished racers in my club is a catamaran sailor/racer. Last summer, when I fell in love with a neighborhood cat and wanted to see if anyone owned him, I bought a pink collar with a name tag that said "Hobie" and my phone number. Unfortunately, we ended up putting the collar on another cow-cat that looked just like the one I loved (...shoulda known when the poor kitty panicked and peed when I picked him up), and it turned out that the real Hobie lived at the house across the street from me and answered to the name 'Henri' (pronounced in a French sort of way.) The unfriendly imposter Hobie is apparently still roaming around Columbus, Ohio, wearing a hot pink collar with my phone number on the tag. Oddly enough, he never came back to visit after the very stressful collar-installation experience...
Well, that is about to change, because my sailing goal for 2009 is this:
Sail a catamaran.
And by "sail," I mean "move briskly across the water, powered only by the wind, while on a catamaran"... or "sit on a catamaran parked on the beach and think about sailing"... or even "snap a self-portrait of oneself, smiling, with a catamaran in the background."
I updated the 'Sailing Goals' section at the right side of my blog. When (not if!) I achieve this goal, I may feel ambitious enough to set an additional goal for 2009, such as "buy cute new sailing shoes... like those cornflower blue mary jane trekkers from the site, in a size 9 [cough-birthdaypresent-cough]."
I really think I can do this. Wait - what kind of attitude is that? I know I can do this. It's a brand new season full of amazing possibilities and high achievement! I can achieve this season's goal. And I will.
Yes, you can!
Kris and I are trying to book a BVI trip for this time next year in a chartered cat. Get your mojo on and come along! We'll race!
Alright, take down the 'fail' comment for the love of something-or-other. Just because W. is gone, you don't have to get all expository and honest. The opposite of "Mission Accomplished" is not "Fail."
Sigh - it's okay. Besides, is pretty hilarious (unlike my recent romantic adventures.)
My club charters in the BVI every two years in the spring, so that just may work out well!
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